I don't know about your families but in our family we have celebrated "Half Birthdays" for twelve years. We don't give out presents or cards, just let them choose what to eat for supper, make a small cake with candles and sing "Happy Half Birthday to You." Each of them enjoy their special day and today was no exception. Today was the half birthday celebration for both of our sons - they share a birthday together and therefore share a half birthday. We had fun eating homemade pizza and being together, but it takes my breath away how fast time flies once the pace picks up...
My 12 1/2 year old said to me the other day, "Mom, do you know that in 183 weeks I will be able to get my driver's licence?" I laughed with him, but inside I felt a drop in my heart - I wanted to say, " You were just a baby in my arms!" But I knew that it was not the time, so I said nothing. Right away the verse from Psalm 90 flashed into my mind, though, where Moses says, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
That was my encouragement in a moment of sadness - God in this pain of numbering days, please give me a heart of wisdom, that I may use each day to its fullest.
My 12 1/2 year old said to me the other day, "Mom, do you know that in 183 weeks I will be able to get my driver's licence?" I laughed with him, but inside I felt a drop in my heart - I wanted to say, " You were just a baby in my arms!" But I knew that it was not the time, so I said nothing. Right away the verse from Psalm 90 flashed into my mind, though, where Moses says, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
That was my encouragement in a moment of sadness - God in this pain of numbering days, please give me a heart of wisdom, that I may use each day to its fullest.
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