Effective - "producing a decisive or desired effect"
Busy - "to be full of activity"
(both definitions take from The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2004)
I don't know about you, but I want my life to be effective while trying to stay away from being busy. How do we accomplish that? I think it goes back to a phrase that is used quite often, that I referred to in my title, "Begin With the End in Mind".
We should be examining what our goals are for ourselves, our families and our children. Then we can measure the parts of our daily activity against something that is predetermined as a set standard. If we are parenting "With the End in Mind" we should be thinking ahead to what we want our children to truly value when they are grown adults. We should be looking at how we want them to be able to stand up for God and His Truth. We should be dreaming of what God may have for them to do with the gifts He has placed within each of them. Those should be the things that determine where and how we invest our time and subsequently, their time, right now.
For our Mom's Night, we looked a Jar of Time:
Our children will have many things they are drawn to and interested in but as parents it is not up to us to accommodate every fad or whim - it is up to us to prayerfully discern with them AND for them, what is the most EFFECTIVE use of their time and ours.
God has given us the ability as parents to have experienced how fast the early years fly by and I believe it is up to us to choose wisely for our children. May we not look back with regret to wasted years of BUSY when we could have been EFFECTIVE!