Sunday, February 21, 2010

Faithful in Little

I find it hard to believe but I am reaping the rewards of seeds that have been planted in our children in very special ways. I know that shouldn't surprise me, but it does AND it does more than that, it blesses me!
One of our daughters was a sweet example of that tonight. We had enjoyed guests through the afternoon and when evening came to clean up from supper and put the younger ones to bed, she joined in without being asked and began to help. I am glad to say that is not unusual, but she went way beyond the call of duty this time.
As I continued to clean on the main floor with our older son, I heard scurries of noises upstairs and knew she must be helping encourage some bedtime preparation. By the time I came upstairs she had our three year old in bed with Bible, prayer, teeth and jammies done and our five year old enjoying a devotional story all ready for bed as well. I praised her and thanked her for that and finished putting the second one to bed and then invited our ten year old downstairs. I thanked her again and told her how much that meant to me and she responded with an amazing response...She told me that she felt like just going downstairs to play but thought about how much I still had to do and then said a verse came to mind. The verse was from Matthew 25:23 "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things." She told me that as soon as she thought of that verse she knew that she needed to be faithful with what she could do to help now, so that she would be able to faithful with more later. My mother's heart was very blessed.
I do not write this to impress, but to encourage...I couldn't see the forest for the trees a few years ago - I couldn't have imagined having a daughter that could step in and help so much. This is why I want to encourage you - as we work with our children diligently we will reap rewards. I was also reminded, that God has promised His Word does not return void and I experienced that again tonight. It was God's Word hidden in my daughter's heart that caused her to be motivated to higher things - I know that this is what we want for each of our children.
We can't take Gal.6:9 lightly - we really will reap a harvest IF we do not give up!


  1. What a beautiful moment you were both able to share! She has a truly wonderful role model to follow after. Thanks for sharing. Love T ((hugs))

  2. Gal 6:9 is such a blessing and so true in terms of parenting. So often we become weary in teaching, training, and disciplining our children, but the reward DOES time! Thanks for the reminder and touching story of your sweet daughter!
