I feel as if I am being rushed through stages of life these days that I am doing my best to savour. My 12 year old, who is moving towards 13 so quickly, took me to a new level of life this week. He was inspired, and I am not complaining, to clean his room from top to bottom and all four corners. The end result is wonderful and very tidy - the process was a little long and more emotional for myself than it was for him. Why? Because he was lightly saying goodbye to many items that to me represent part of who he has been to this point in his life. Now his siblings rooms are blessed with many new things that have yet to find a home - ever notice that one clean room seems to equal three newly messy ones? Not a math equation that I am appreciating quite yet. Regardless, it was a beautiful thing to see him take so many items and evaluate whether they still held value and if not, who they should go to.
During this process, I have had 1 Corinthians 13:11 running through my head all week - after Paul explains the depths of love, he says, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put childish ways behind me." I realize that although my son is not yet a man, his talking, thinking and reasoning is moving in that direction - I am very proud of him and glad to say I enjoy his company immensely. BUT I am feeling sad at the same time in needing to be accepting of the fact that we are beginning to say goodbye to the days of childhood that we have savoured together.
As a full-time mom, I reflect over and over again on the privilege I have each day of being together with my children all day. I think back through almost thirteen years with my young man and remember countless times of colouring, play dough, silly board games, storybooks and so much more. He is not gone, but those early days are gone. Yes, everyone told me that time would pass quickly but to be honest, with the privilege of being home all the time I would not say time went that quickly - it just didn't stop and stand still like I wish, in some ways, it would. I am choosing to focus on the celebration of watching my son step into the teen years - he is a wonderful young man, with a growing heart to serve, learn and grow. I am so thankful for each moment we have enjoyed to this point, that will make the days ahead that much richer.
It is okay to put away childish things - in order to move towards the new things that God has. May we be found to savour each day as God brings it - whether we can see far into the distance or only around the next bend. Each day is a gift!
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