Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Promises, Promises

I am so glad that we love and serve a God who ALWAYS keeps His promises.  I have been reading through some of His promises lately and I can't help but be thankful and encouraged.  All that we need, for whatever we face, can be found in God and His Word, that assures us of His love and care.

In the classic Mary Poppins movie, there is a quote that represents well what the world thinks of the average promises.  Mary Poppins answers a request for a promise and says, "That is a pie crust promise - easily made and easily broken." It is how we experience many things as we are growing up and that special adult in our life forgets to do something they said they would or a best friend forgets to meet us where they said they were going to get the idea.  BUT not God!  In II Corinthians 1:20 Paul tells us, "No matter how many promises God has made they are YES in Christ."  That means we can go to the bank on what God's Word says for us.

So, what do you need to know to carry you through the time you are in?  Are you lonely?  Then you need to know that God has PROMISED He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  Are you overwhelmed with children and housework?  Then you need to know that God has PROMISED that you can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).  Are you depressed?  Then you need to know that God has PROMISED to lift you out of the slimy pit and the mud and mire and set your feet on a rock with a firm place to stand (Psalm 40:2).  Do you see what God has made available to us?  But we can't access the richness of His promises if we are not taking time to be in His Word - there is nothing of greater value that will carry you through each day than time spent with God.  Find the time, ask Him to help you make the time, carve out the time and then sit back with Him and just see what He has to PROMISE you!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord has brought you to mind often and I have prayed for you. I love this blog post--so true and so encouraging. I hope you and your family are doing well these beautiful fall days. Hope we have the opportunity to be together sometime. Blessings,
