Friday, October 8, 2010

Low Quality World

Have you noticed lately that we live in a low quality world?  The goal seems to be to pump out the best looking merchandise, at the lowest quality, for the cheapest price.  I am finding it more and more discouraging, as it seems to affect all areas of our life.  I go through approximately one hand mixer each year, our fridge needed to be repaired three times in the first year it was new, our 4 year old van has rust spots all over it - it seems never ending.  My intent is not for this to be a rant, but rather a springboard from which to share what is on my heart. 

When our fridge needed its third repair, I remember chatting with man who was sent to fix it.  I was in the kitchen as he worked and asked him this question, "How is it possible that a new fridge can need to be repaired so many times?"  I remember his answer well - he shoulders seemed to sag as he looked at me and said, "Because that is all people want to pay for.  If the truth were known, we now have the technology to build a fridge of such quality that it would last 100 years, but the companies don't want to produce them."  His answer surprised me - it made me sad to think that we live in such a disposable society, but something else makes me far more sad.  We, as Christians, often try to live to the same standard - low quality.  Oh sure, we go to church and read our bibles and pray, but when no one is looking - how much do we strive to be of the highest quality? 

We live in a generation that expects very little from themselves, but still much from others.  I have met many people that live a double standard; they want those around them to be completely honest, very generous, consistently kind and yet in their own lives they don't feel it necessary to put out the effort to be all that to others in their lives.  God, through His Word, calls us to a high standard of quality in our own lives, and even though the world around us may promote a lower quality as acceptable, they are not the ones we should look to for the standard.

In I Corinthians 3, Paul tells us the standard our lives will be measured, "Each one should be careful how he builds...his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.  It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the QUALITY of each man's work.  If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.  If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames."  There is a lot packed into those few verses and it comes with very specific instruction that we can apply, let's take a look.

First, we need to be careful.  Carefulness almost always speaks to quality and something done well; it says we have taken time to be sure that what we are doing is done the best we can do. When I function carefully, I benefit in the long run and everyone else that is connected to me will benefit too.  It also sets an example that may motivate my family or friends to want to reach for quality, as well.

Second, our work will be shown for what it is.  This means even though we might get away with less or short cuts for a while, in the the end it will come to light.  We can't take the easy way out and expect to produce great things in our lives.  When I think of devotionals that imply "1 Minute in the Word" or "Quick Thoughts for Busy People", they make me sad - those things may have their place in the first month of having a new baby or settling into a new stage of life BUT they are not what will help long term, to truly grow quality in our lives.  We have to be digging into the Word of God and pouring time into growing in Christ, this is what will shape our values for how we function with quality work in our lives.

Third, fire will test the quality of our work.  I don't know about you, but I don't like being tested to see if I am good at something or have done it well.  But the Word is clear that there will come a point that we will find out if what we have invested our lives in has been of high quality and value.  Whenever that day comes, I want to be sure that what I have poured my time, energy, money and passion into come out shining not disintegrating!

Lastly, there is grace extended but we will just make it.  Remember Jesus was very clear that it is by grace we are saved and not by works so that none of us can boast (Ephesians 2:8&9) .  That means it will not be the quality of what we have done that will guarantee our eternity, but the GRACE of God.  Having said that, when I am standing before my Creator and the Maker of all things - I want to be there knowing I have done my best - not covered in soot just barely making it out of a fire with nothing in my hands to show for it.

Let's face it - we all have days, weeks and even months where we may feel we are just getting by, or just going through the motions, but that is not where we should be content to stay.  We need to be pressing into God and His Word, asking for the truth to apply to our lives, so that we might produce quality for His purposes.  We will be eternally glad that we used our abilities to be of the best quality we can be in a world that tells us low quality is okay.

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