Get in shape? Read more? More down time? Lose Weight? Travel more? Pray longer?
What do you say when you are asked the question, "What are your New Year's resolutions for this year?"
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking the question, nor the discipline of setting goals for the new year. We all need time to pause and reflect on what we would like to change or do differently in our lives, and what more natural point than going into a new year? And yet, when I evaluate my own life and listen to others around me share, I feel we are burdened by setting goals that we anticipate we won't be able to keep. What is more, we often place a lot of pressure on ourselves to fix numerous items at one time, when we know that it is hard to work on more than one thing at a time.
Just for fun, I googled the most common resolutions people set, and found that they all had to do with overall health for ourselves, things like; more time with friends, more exercise, breaking bad habits, getting out of debt, learning something new. Without becoming too inwardly focused, it is a good thing to look at what parts of our lives need to be changed. It is also helpful to evaluate those areas and see where we are at and compare it to where we feel we should be...but over time I have found I only need one real resolution.
This has become my annual new year's resolution - and the only one I need - to spend time knowing God and growing in His Word. Now before you write that off as boring or not really applicable, realize what that resolution does with the most popular resolutions that people chose. God tells us in His Word how to build healthy relationships, how the Spirit can grow us in self-control, how to make wise choices with our finances, and on it goes. The Bible says in Proverbs 8:35 that, "Whoever finds me (wisdom), finds life and receives favour from the Lord." This is where all of the rest of life should be shaped ~ by God's wisdom pouring into our lives.
This has become my annual new year's resolution - and the only one I need - to spend time knowing God and growing in His Word. Now before you write that off as boring or not really applicable, realize what that resolution does with the most popular resolutions that people chose. God tells us in His Word how to build healthy relationships, how the Spirit can grow us in self-control, how to make wise choices with our finances, and on it goes. The Bible says in Proverbs 8:35 that, "Whoever finds me (wisdom), finds life and receives favour from the Lord." This is where all of the rest of life should be shaped ~ by God's wisdom pouring into our lives.
Don't let me discourage you from setting some new resolutions for your new year, especially if you have found you are one of the few that carry them out and make real change. BUT if you are someone that feels like you have failed before you have begun, then consider trying something new - only resolve to be in God's presence each day, Bible in hand and say, "God what do you have for me today? What can I change, grow in or work on, WITH YOUR HELP, that will move me closer towards what you have for me?"
Be blessed as you anticipate all that lies ahead and have a truly Happy New Year!
"I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on Me, when you come and pray to Me, I'll listen. When you come looking for Me, you'll find Me. Yes, when you get serious about finding Me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed. I'll turn things around for you."
(Jeremiah 29:11-13 in the Message)
Right on, Kristen. This is so good. One thing that stuck with me from the intensive was when someone said if you're going to speak/lead, you need to be reading through the Bible regularly. I'll join you in being more in the Word this year!