My eyes fell upon this incredible sentence . . . "The person who says they are too busy to pray has somehow misunderstood WHO it is they have access to!"
Strength and deep calling exude from that one simple line! WHY? -- because it has taken a long time for the realization of what the privilege of prayer REALLY is, to move from my head to my heart . . . and I still have a long way to go.
Most of us would say that prayer is important and even give credit to the truth found in the title of Bill Hybels classic book, Too Busy Not To Pray. We know we "should be" praying -- but is that really what it boils down to? We "should be"?
Don't you think that God . . . the same One who fashioned the stars and breathed life into you and me . . . desires more that just an obligatory daily discipline from us?
How would you feel if your child dragged their body into the living room every few days, sighed loudly and said, "I guess I should really talk for a minute since I didn't yesterday or the day before"? I know how I would feel -- my heart would be broken!
I love my children and I find great joy in our conversations -- the sharing of joyful events, of accomplishments, of sad moments, of concerns -- all those things make up the relationships I share with each of one of them.
So how much more does our perfect God want to be involved in each of those areas of our lives? Do we have joyful events? Accomplishments? Sad moments? Concerns? God wants to be involved in those areas and prayer allows Him to be welcomed into those places.
Even more so, as we grow in His Word and His truths, we come to realize that He has given us ALL that we need for life and godliness THROUGH our knowledge of Him (II Peter 1:3).
As we come to understand more deeply WHO He is and are able to apply in prayer what He has made available to us, we will encounter a whole new reason to "find time" to pray.
We all know that every single person on this planet has the same number of hours in a day -- 24 including sleep, to be exact. Effective prayer is not about needing more time; it is about needing increased value as to how much we need God through the communication tool of prayer that He has made available to us.
Press in, talk to God, listen to God and don't give up! He is waiting on you and He wants to be with you -- not just in the morning, but all day long. Don't make God your last resort when your efforts have failed you; make Him the first place you go!
"Be joyful always;
PRAY continually;
give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you."
I Thessalonians 5:16-18
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