His bright, blue eyes pleaded with mine. "Do you like the song, Mom? Do you like the CD?" I watched as hope flitted across my oldest child's face, mixed with desire to have his music preferences embraced with the invisible, rubber stamp of approval. It's the ancient questions asked all over again -- Am I strong? Am I smart? Am I loved?
Only a moment slipped by as I pondered, how much time has passed since I held him in my arms?
How did my "baby" grow up to be ready to grasp deep lyrics like these?
What prepares a mother to realize her son is closer to manhood than childhood?
Relieved, I answered honestly about his music, "Yeah, I do like it. I especially enjoyed the words - God's truth is strong in it." The smile floods his face and he relaxes into the couch. I'm glad that he cares and wants us to know his music; but I'm a million times more glad he desires music that strengthens his walk with God.
Never has it been easy to be a teen, or a Christian for that matter; but I see before me how significant these days, months and years are right now in his life.
I want to make the most of them with each of my children -- not wasting, but investing! But we all know what that requires . . . TIME, with a capital "T".
Time - we make it, we find it, we use it - but there never seems to be enough of it!
Only God can show me where my priorities need to be in this stage of parenting, but I must be listening to Him. Music is only one of so many avenues that require nurture and care in my chidlren's lives; myriads of issues each one of them face as they move towards the door of adulthood.
If we're not careful, time will slip through our fingers like water, and all we'll be left with is the view in our rearview mirrors.
So I'll keep listening to the songs, laughing at the jokes and loving the times to talk -- those pleading eyes will only be here so long and then they'll be gone. Time -- whatever it takes -- will be found at home!
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity
under the heavens."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
With the girls now it feels like I'm constantly saying "not now" to the other 2. Thanks for this Kristen - I needed to hear this! It's so hard...