The ability to hear...what a gift that I often take for granted. Until recently. Our youngest has had some minor issues with his ears, and though it looks like it will resolve itself in the near future, it has brought a new outlook to life lately.
"Did you put away your toys?" demands responses like, "What boys?"
"Did you finish your Math?" comes back with, "I don't want a bath."
The worst, though, is certainly when my questions are followed by nothing. Silence. Not because of being ignored but simply an inability for him to hear at all.
It's caused me to ponder something on a deeper level -- how often does God speak to me and find a similar experience?
He speaks to my heart and shows me someone who has a need and I respond with going to the store and buying something for myself.
Maybe He prompts my heart to call someone on the phone and I click on my email to see if there are any messages.
Or worse, He waits for me to take time with Him and I rush through my busy day never stopping to acknowledge Him at all.
God has made each of us for relationship -- not just with those around us that we can see and touch, but with HIM! He speaks to our hearts and wants to tell us that we are loved. He offers important tasks that He wants us to carry out on His behalf, but we sail on by missing the opportunity altogether.
How can we clear our ears to "hear" what God has to say to us?
Often it's by pausing and simply remembering to listen. It's also in taking time in His Word and asking Him to speak to us. And just being willing to follow that still, small voice when you know you're being encouraged to take a step.
May our ears be open and our hearts be ready to hear from our God.
"Listen and HEAR my voice;
pay attention and HEAR
what I say."
Isaiah 28:23
You should talk to my Mom about me when I was a toddler. She went through hearing worries. It can be a difficult time for a Mother