I have another thought on green grass to share, that builds from the other day...While I was outside this morning, filling our compost bin with more weeds, I had a new thought that came. I felt like God was challenging me that just like our lawn, if I let a "small weed" of sin grow it will take over the green grass of my life that I am working hard to nurture.
It is so easy to justify little things in my life - as I know other moms have also shared - things that don't seem large at the time, but if left to themselves become like unmanageable "weeds". Just like those dandelions, one day there are a few and a week later there are hundreds, if I let anger with my kids or husband build instead of releasing forgiveness then it too will multiply faster than I can control. If I let the odd comment about someone drop in conversation, it may not be too long before I can't control what I want to say about that person in a negative way.
There are countless examples in my own life of weeds that grow so fast - anger, pride, gossip...the list goes on. We all want to be able to justify these "little weeds" but the reality is, whether they are big or small, they ARE what they are - sin. It is a harsh word for things that can seem so small or be so hard to overcome, but that is the whole reason Jesus came. I John 4 says, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins...since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
May we be found accepting Jesus' help in our every day lives, with whatever "weeds" we have to get rid of. Believe me, it is much easier to get rid of a few weeds than hundreds of them.
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