The question may sound strange - How Green is your Grass? - but follow me for a moment...On our lawn, we seem to always have a hard time keeping weeds away despite efforts of pulling dandelions and treating with natural solutions. As I have learned more about lawns, I have come to understand that more important than trying to get rid of the weeds, is to try to keep your grass healthy. When I first heard this, I thought immediately of how that applied to my own life - it is so easy for me to focus on trying to get rid of weeds instead of focusing on growing good, green grass. The same applies as we parent our kids too. It is so easy to look at our behaviour and struggles, and those of our children, and think, "If only I could get rid of those weeds." What I am coming to understand better is that if I focus on growing the good grass instead, the weeds will tend to fade away and die.
How do we do this? Most importantly, I think, it is by being in God's Word every day...not just so we can say we read a verse or a chapter, but so we can say we spent time savouring God's Word as if it were a love letter. Also, praying and asking God what He has for us. Listening to music that sings God's truth to our hearts. Taking thoughts captive in our minds and making them obedient to Christ. All these things will cause our grass to become more green and the weeds to fade away.
The Bible refers more than once to us being like grass, in reference also to how brief our lives are and how sure God's Word is. Isaiah 40:6-8 says, "All men are like grass...surely the people are grass...but the Word of our God stands forever." What reassurance to know that God's Word is never going to change, therefore as we apply it to our lives we are using the surest form of weed killer there is. Let's make that grass green.
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