As I wiped up muddy footprints for the seemingly hundredth time today, I got to reflecting on the "joys" of motherhood. I am sure that if we could compare notes on some of those joys, our lists would look similar in many ways. There is no end to the regular chores of keeping up a home with small children underfoot; whether it is the heaping piles of laundry, the little voices that say they are hungry again, the toys that need to be cleared so we can see the carpet colour or just the hearts that need to be listened to. These things don't always sound like "joys" when they are listed but as we reflect on what they represent, they really are the greatest joys in life because they represent our children - muddy feet and all!
I am so glad that God allowed me to be a mom and called me to be home with these treasures, but there are many days that I need to remind myself why I am here. We know it is not for the money or the time it allows to pamper ourselves, but it is for something so much deeper, richer and eternal. I know that as I share each day with our children, I am investing in their hearts, their personalities and their lives. I am enjoying the privilege of shaping hearts that will be leaders in the next generation. I am getting to know my future best friends. I am training each of them to be, I trust, great husbands and wives, as well as moms and dads...in fact, my six year old recently said, "I am going to know how to be such a good mommy when I grow up, thanks for teaching me so many things mom."
You might notice that there seemed to be a listing of reasons happening above and that is exactly what it is - I decided to start listing "Reasons I am Glad I am a Mom" in the back of my journal. It came about because of muddy footprints and a desire to remind myself why I do what I do. It has been fun to look at all the reasons I have - there are a lot of them, but there are many moments when I can hardly remember any of them because of the strain of the moment. Someday I may even type the list out and post it somewhere, but for now it is just for me to add to and reflect on, during happy times and tired times. Get out a piece of paper (or spot in a journal) and a pen and brainstorm for even 3 minutes, you will be amazed how much you find - BUT be sure to wait till everyone is in bed or at least playing happily together, I am not sure how easily the list would form in those moments.
Lastly, be encouraged that all the hard work and efforts never go unnoticed - not by our Heavenly Father anyway. Ultimately, it is Him we are serving and He sees what is done and has promised an inheritance. Colossians 3:23 & 24 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
"I am getting to know my future best friends." I absolutely love this line, Kristen. What a great reminder of the depth of relatinship we are investing in. Thank you.