Sunday, March 20, 2011

Obedience -- little or big

     Pick up the phone and give her a call . . .

     Get off the chair and go talk to that child . . .

     Go upstairs and tell your husband you're sorry . .

      God's gentle whisper reveals to my heart what He longs for me to do.  Just a sampling of what I may experience as directives in a given day.  Each of them on their own can seem small and insignificant, but I have learned that when God speaks with instruction to my heart, He expects me to obey!  How is that any different than what I expect from my children?     

     How can I allow myself to downplay what I view as "little" obedience when I know how greatly God values it?

     "Little" or "big", when it comes to obedience, it is a non-issue on the size. God's magnifying glass on my heart divulges my willingness, or lack thereof, to cooperate with what it is God is trying to accomplish in and around me.  Either I am IN or I am OUT . . . there are no comfortable fences to sit on in God's kingdom.

     My mind drifts to the days that my feet feel so heavy and I count the hours till bed -- I realize these are the times that I too easily excuse what I feel God wants me to do.  My head can call out for what needs to be done, but as Jesus warned, "The spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Matthew 26:41)."  Oh, my body is so weak some days.  

     What is the solution?  Jesus told us -- we are to "watch and pray".  There are moments when I need to CHOOSE to do what is requested, whether I FEEL like it or not.  And I acknowledge my desperate lack of ability to complete these small assignments in my own strength . . . God, come and fill me up with your Holy Spirit, fresh and new, that I may walk in obedience for the places you choose to use me in.  Thank you that You want to use each of us, to carry out Your purposes in this world.

 "Whoever can be trusted with very
little can also be trusted with much."
Luke 16:10

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