Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Kids are Sick

     "Ohhhhhh, my head hurts . . . ohhhhh, my stomach aches . . . ohhhh, I need more ginger ale . . . ohhhh . . ."  The moans and demands continued to flow from the living room couch -- the location of our make-shift hospital.  Five nauseated kids later, mommy is more than a little worn down, but that is hard to avoid when kids are sick.

     A "normal" week usually demands that, as moms, we give almost everything we've got -- but add a few (or more) feverish, achy children to the mix, and it feels like we need to give MORE than we've got!  What's a mom to do? 

     1) Recognize that you only have to take ONE moment at a time -- don't try to imagine how many kids are going to catch what the first one has, or how many times THIS ONE is going to need you  -- you only HAVE TO DO what is required in each single breath of time.

     2) Remind yourself that you are not alone -- God has said that when we are weak, He will be strong for us, so tell Him you need Him to be that for you.

     3) Savour the fact that you are needed -- I know, "demanded of" might be more accurate, but regardless of the wording, these precious little ones (or bigger ones) put their hope in us to care for them.

     4) Look for as many ways as possible to simply life in every other area, so you can be focused at home -- it never ceases to amaze me how a previously full week can be emptied -- you can even say yes to pancakes for supper.

     5) Invest, invest, invest -- some of these "sick days" have become my favourite memories when I look back after my kids are healthy again -- although I may feel exhausted at the time, I take it as a perfect opportunity to invest in my kids: we snuggle lots, experience great books, create special snacks, and overall just be together. 
     A quote from Zig Ziglar says, "It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude."  Whether you are a professional "mommy nurse" or not, doesn't matter; pour out your tenderness on those sweet, indisposed loved ones, and remember whatever we do for the least of these, we do for God.

"Steadily, pouring yourselves
out for each other in acts
of love."
Ephesians 4:2

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