The sparkle left her blue eyes as they clouded over with sadness. Her mouth pinched together at the sides and evidence of holding in pain become obvious. Her head rested on her pillow and I, as mom, saw two doors in front of me --
Door # 1) tuck the blankets around her, give a quick kiss and tell her she'll feel better in the morning (I know it sounds awful now, but come on, you've been at the bedside of your children when all you can think about is how much is left to do)
Door # 2) climb up on that top bunk (which just seems to require more effort than it should) and take time for her to unleash the tears and stories
This time I chose door # 2.
As I lay beside her, inquiring about why she looked so sad, the first story came out. Someone had hurt her with their words . . . they were unkind, thoughtless comments that had penetrated deep in her heart. We talked about truth for that situation, wiped away the tears and shared hugs. Then another story emerged, tears bubbled up and more talking / listening occurred. After a lengthy time of listening, snuggling and praying she went to sleep with a smile on her face and in her heart.
A fine line exists between a child that stalls at bedtime and the same child that needs a loving, listening ear. Our role, as mom is to differentiate between the two.
This time my heart affirmed that I'd chosen right, but it doesn't mean there wasn't sacrifice on my part.
It's hard to stop the rush of life and focus on that little heart that needs to be heard, when a hundred more responsibilities are screaming for our attention.
But that may be one of the most important roles we have as moms, and my guess is that it may become one the traits we're remembered for best someday if we choose to make the time.
So when that little (or big) one crawls into bed holding back the tears that threaten to flow; stop and listen to your heart -- is this a moment that holds greater worth than the looming dishes, paperwork and dirt? Chances are, it may be the most important moment of your day . . . and the reward will be evident in the joy on their face when they awake for a new day!
"Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy."
Psalm 126:5
And door #2 always requires so much more....but it offers so much more too. Great post.