Imagine walking around the corner and catching sight of your two year old on top of the kitchen counter poised with a glass of liquid in their hand. Beside them sits the blue and white bleach bottle with some of its contents splashed on the counter...
Would you: a) Stop and watch for a while to see if your child is really about to drink it?
b) Gently tell her she probably shouldn't try it because she might not like the taste?
or c) Yell "NO" and get to that child as fast as you could to grab it out of their hand?
It's safe to assume that every parent reading this would choose option "c" without any reflection required. Why is that? Because we know the danger of chemicals AND we love our child and therefore do not want to see them harmed. May I propose that there are many instances of "bleach" in the hands of children that are being evaluated by well-meaning, loving parents who are utilizing options "a" and "b"?
"Well, I would never let my child drink bleach so I have no idea what you are talking about," you may respond. Yes, I know you wouldn't, but did you know that our children are being faced with dangers as grave as glasses of bleach and we're trying to watch and see the outcomes in their lives without intruding, or by gently suggesting that maybe they shouldn't do those things?
As parents we're well-versed on many rules of safety; in fact, more than any other generation before, I am sure we have more safety standards spinning in our heads than could have been imagined fifty years ago. Daily there are recalls published for children's items that need to be improved on for safety -- highchairs, booster seats, cribs, tricycles, and on it goes. But sadly in this generation, many have repudiated the value of shaping our children's moral characters -- thoughtfulness of others, respect to elderly, obedience to parents. How did these get so confused?
I believe most parents passionately love their children and long for what's best for them, but these parents have lost the compass that tells them where true North really is when it comes to training their children.
There is only one compass that points true and that is God's Word.
You will not find true North in the myriad of parenting magazines, parenting television shows or parenting blogs. Although these are the resources we surround ourselves with, they will either point us drastically in the opposite direction of true North or at best, a few degrees off, which still lands us in the wrong place. And we wonder why our kids end up drinking "bleach" while we look on with horror?
There is a lot of "bleach" in this world -- some of it could be every time we allow our children to think obedience is only necessary if they "feel" like it, OR every time we tolerate mouthiness and justify it as they are "tired" today, OR every time we allow them to watch shows, visit websites or play games that we KNOW don't measure God's standards of looking at whatever is pure and lovely and good.
In most cases the easier road in parenting is to watch our children drink the "bleach" and tell ourselves it won't hurt them because we don't always see the negative effects right away, rather than rush to their side and immediately deal with the danger.
God's design for parenting, although explained beautifully in many Christian books, is best found in the original unedited version called The Bible. Anything else apart from that mixes in man's opinion. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and reveal the areas that your children may be drinking from the "bleach" bottle of the world's ways.
There is a phrase that has gained popularity over the years - that has become an easy out in parenting, "As a parent, we need to pick our battles". While this is true, we must be sure we are not choosing to abdicate from the battles that involve "bleach". Don't be afraid to parent your children in love, to the standards God has set before us -- it is our job and the benefits are eternal!
"Love does not delight
in evil but rejoices with
the truth. It ALWAYS protects,
always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres."
I Corinthians 13:6&7
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