Who doesn't love summer? Warm breezes, cool water, sweet berries, long days and laughing children.
Unfortunately there are also laundry piles, dirty floors, grumpy kids, doctor's appointments and messy beds.
How do we balance out happy moments of free time with our ever-present responsibilities, so that when we sit chilled by a fire in the dead of winter, our reflections of summer will warm our hearts with a thankfulness of time well spent?
A few guidelines can send us on our way to making the most of summer . . .
- Break each day into three parts a)morning b)afternoon c) supper & evening
- Create goals or plans for each part of the day, no matter how simple they are
- Tell your children the plan so they can be prepared &/or anticipating what is coming (this will also keep you accountable)
- Intersperse jobs, appt's and errands with play, outings and fun
- Be flexible & keep it simple
Day One ~ Morning - dust main floor, Afternoon - read a chapter of a book together, Evening - go for a walk as a family
Day Two ~ Morning - meet friends at the beach, Afternoon - clean out linen closet, Evening - play a round of Uno
Day Three ~ Morning - dr. appt, Afternoon - build with lego, Evening - play as a family in the backyard
The ages of your children don't matter -- if they're too little to play Uno, then stack towers or read a board book.
If you're a parent then chances are you, too, savor the feeling of falling into bed at night knowing you have intentionally invested in your child(ren).
A plan allows us that experience . . . it shows our children that they're precious to us and we want to be with them, while we still balance the tasks of regular life.
The benefit of a plan this simple is that obviously there are many more hours in the day that we can CHOOSE how to fill, but this gives us a starting point. If you are anything like me, you may find once this is in place, many more positive choices follow theses simple ones.
The key is we all have to start somewhere -- if what you do is far more complex and works for you already, then congrats, keep going; but if you don't have anything in place then I challenge you to give this a try for one week. Ask the Lord to guide your mind to creative ideas and be sure to keep it realistic (& flexible when weather changes). Time goes faster than any of us would like . . . let's make the most of it!
"There's an opportune time
to do things, a right time
for everything on the earth."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Love this! We're about to return home from a long vacation abroad; this idea will help me to get my feet back on the ground - getting bags unpacked and things back in order without forgetting to spend time with the kids. Thanks.