Grass scatters across the not-so-gleaming hardwood floors, wet towels pile up faster that the washing machine can manage and sunblock applications are vying for becoming a full-time job. The days can seem long, until suddenly I am pulling the sheets up to the chins of my little ones once AGAIN and I realize another day has passed, and it hits me . . . this is it! This is summer, the season that makes all others pale in comparison and I am letting it slip out of my fingers.
The danger of any season can be the temptation of letting our hearts glance ahead to what comes next, instead of savouring what is right in front of us . . . but summer? I dream of warm days and free time with the ones I love most in the world, all year. So much so, that I have to catch myself periodically on the snowy, white days and remind myself to stay in that moment too.
Joy-filled moments seem so easily threatened by dark clouds that would like to blow in and cover up our sunshine experiences.
This is it -- when I choose joy!
I tell my eyes to look away from the mess on the kitchen floor and look to the joy of my children tossing water balloons in the backyard.
I tell my hands to relax on the dirty laundry and go snuggle my waiting child.
I tell my feet to stop the hurrying with all that surrounds and take a walk with my loved ones.
Regardless of what month is displayed in bold print on the kitchen calendar -- this is it! The month, the days, the hours and the minutes we have to bask in the moments before us . . . to unearth the treasures that are right here in these glimpses of time. "This IS the day that the Lord has made, we WILL rejoice and be glad in it." I don't want to forget that!
"My heart is glad and my
tongue rejoices; my body
also will rest in hope."
Acts 2:26
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