"Mommy! Mommy!"
I trudged wearily up the stairs to answer the call of my youngest. "What is it?" I asked, poking my head inside his door.
"I'm thirsty," came the sweet response, "can you get me some water?"
This was not my first trip of the evening, but back downstairs I went to fill a cup and then back up to the bedroom. My efforts, though, were soon rewarded with a precious question . . .
"Mommy, are you like a servant? 'Cause you do things for me everyday like a servant does."
I found my heart torn between gladness that my efforts were noticed, and sadness that, yes, I did feel that way often. But then I reminded myself that that is what God has called me to be -- a servant. We know that Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and we are to follow His example.
Sometimes servants get tired. Sometimes servants wish they had another job. Sometimes servants wonder if they are making a difference. Being a mother is so much more than being a servant, but ultimately is it not the heart that we should have as we minister to our family?
I left my son's bedroom that night, touched by the "water-cup conversation" we'd had together. I am glad that he sees me serving him, but I don't want it to stop there. My hope for each of our children is that we'll be able to foster in their hearts a desire and ability to imitate and learn to serve others also.
As we model servanthood to our children, we need to also be encouraging them towards serving those around them, because the danger remains that they could be accustomed to only be served. It's a fine line to walk, but with God's help, I trust that as opportunities are created for them to serve, they too will discover the joy and richness found in serving.
"Don't just do what you have
to do to get by, but work heartily,
as Christ's SERVANTS doing
what God wants you to do."
Ephesians 6:6
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