Chores - part of life in every home, but I don't recall anyone ever telling me they wished there was more to do! I know our kids don't wish for more chores and yet they have grown so much in finding joy and satisfaction in a job well done. This I am very thankful for but it did not happen by accident.
I have been very blessed to be mentored, via books, by some very wise parents who have guided our home into valuing chores in a greater way. One of my favourite books is by Steve & Teri Maxwell and is called Managers of Their Chores. They take a whole book to lay out a system for directing children with tasks and the book is well done. I say all this not to tell you to buy the book (although it is the best one I have found), but so you understand my values have needed to be shaped and molded to appreciate "Chores & Kids".
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I tend to like things done a certain way and I would far prefer to do everything alone! This is obviously not God's best for many things in life, especially when it comes to chores and training our children. I have had to work hard, but the more I enjoy seeing our kids grow in responsibility, the more I am longing to encourage others on the same journey.
It is often easier to do things on our own, as after years of experience we can do them better and faster than a two, three or even five year old. BUT is that really the point? We are to TRAIN our children, and I feel that includes chores and jobs around the house. This actually accomplishes many things at the same time...While teaching our children the skill required for the chore, whether it be cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the house thoroughly, dusting or cleaning a toilet - we are also instilling the value for doing a job well and breaking down the natural draw towards laziness. And the younger we start the less battle there is!
We often quote Eccl.9:10 with our kids, "Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all of your might." If we can instill that biblical value early on, there will be so much that our children will not have to "unlearn" later. I know many adults that have to push themselves now, that believe if they had been required to do more when there were younger, feel it would come far more naturally.
So take a new look around your house and see what your kids might not have learned how to do yet, that they will need to know when they are grown AND keep training! If this is new, yes there will be some grumbling, but once they realize it is not optional, you will find them pulling out a vacuum on Friday mornings since that is just what they are supposed to do!
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