I was reading in Ephesians 5:15&16 today where Paul tells us to, "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY, because the days are evil." I realize there are a hundred applications with that verse and mine may not have been at the forefront of Paul's mind as he penned those words, but God has been strongly encouraging me with those words. I am blessed to have days full of opportunities to live wise and encourage my children, but am I using them to their fullest?
A while ago I shared the verse from Psalm 90 from Moses, where we are told to "number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." The two connect for me - if we realize the pace of how quickly time is moving, we will put far more effort into "making the most of every opportunity".
I know there are days and weeks when we feel that time could not go more slowly - when a toddler won't stop screaming, a new baby waking every two hours, a preschooler throwing up every 20 minutes for what feels like forever - yet even amidst these natural challenges of life there are opportunities. They may come in the form of a deep breath that allows us five more minutes of patience when we feel that we are at the end of our rope, it could be a soft cloth on our little ones head when they are sick or even a chance to snuggle the little one that we wish were sleeping so we could be too.
Whatever our current moment, day and week look like - that is OUR OPPORTUNITY. Our friend's opportunities may look more appealing but those are not the ones that God has for us - ask Him to make you faithful with the people and opportunities He has given you. Then new joy will overflow from the tasks that are at hand.
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