Bedtime can be such a special time for sharing and hearing the hearts of our children. I find if I am not careful though, I can rush through and miss what is really on their hearts. Some of our children like to chat more than others and sometimes I feel I am being persuaded to stay longer just by being asked some more questions...but when the questions center around God and His part in their lives, I find it is hard to shut conversation down quickly. I want to be available for those special moments, but there is a phrase I find I am drawing on more than I ever used to and that is, "I Don't Know!"
We have all said it to our children many times; Where do ladybugs go in winter, Mom? I don't know. Why does the moon stay out in the day only sometimes, Mom? I don't know. Why does the dog have to throw up every time we drive, Mom? I don't know. You get the idea.
BUT, there are some questions that I don't want to be content with saying I don't know to and those are the things of God. I find they are becoming more commonly answered with, "I Don't Know" by myself, but it is because they are getting to be tougher questions. It is great, as it forces me to dig deeper into the Word and the character of God so that I have more to offer. It is also realizing that we are on a journey with our children and we need to keep talking and learning together.
Today as I read a quote by A.W.Tozer, it reminded me of a conversation with one of my daughters at bedtime the other night. She was questioning how God could be eternal and how can we understand it enough to grasp it. We can't!
Tozer says, ""Left to ourselves we tend immediately to reduce God to manageable terms. We want to get him where we can use him, or at least know where he is when we need him. We want a God we can in some measure control. We need the feeling of security that comes from knowing what God is like."
Sometimes the only response when we "Don't Know" is to marvel and allow ourselves to rest in who God says He is and enjoy that moment with our pondering children.
Don't be afraid to say You Don't Know!
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