I don't know what the exact number would be, but over the last 13 years I am sure I have spent at least half of my Sundays in the nursery, therefore NOT in the church service (that has got to be closing in on 400 times anyway). I would watch other adults happily take their place in the service and get to listen to a whole message and think, "Why do I even bother coming, I will never get to hear a whole message again."
Of course, I did hear a few messages back then and I did get to sing in some of the worship times BUT it didn't make it easy. So, WHY GO?
Let me give you a few of my reasons that I held to back then even when I didn't "feel" like going to church on a Sunday morning:
1) I wanted our family to value being at church together EVERY Sunday, which meant I had to be there for our family to be complete.
2) Even if our baby was too young to know where we were, I believe I was laying spiritual disciplines in their little life.
3) It was a witness and encouragement to other families with young children to keep coming.
4) It was an opportunity to serve, even though I may have been tired.
5) God's Word says that we are not to forsake gathering together, therefore it was an obedience issue on my part.
6) I knew in my heart then it was the right thing to do and I believe that is still true.
So often I have fallen into the trap of "What is in it for me?", instead of "What can I bring or give?" When I was able to go with a heart that looked for what I could bring or give to the nursery, I could always find the opportunities around me. It could be getting to read some books with my child and a few others gathered around, the joy of watching one of my children interact with others their age, a chance to smile or listen to one of the other adults in nursery that needed a listening ear....Regardless, Jesus was very clear that He came to serve not to be served and I know that is the same heart He expects from me.
So, dear moms, be encouraged and don't give up! It will always "feel" easier to stay home or not go just one more week, but the foundations we are laying are for the life-long AND eternal benefit of each of our children - that is not something we want to take lightly. I also believe and have experienced, that God gives strength and surprise blessings when we walk in His ways - so go expecting Him to surprise you!
Romans 12:1 "Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."
SO good! I've been in these shoes before & I'm sure this time won't be any exception. Thanks for the reminder...you may have to repost in late May early June!! ;o) Love, T