Friday, January 29, 2010


Let me introduce myself - my name is Kristen. I have wanted to start this blog in the hopes that I will be able to carve out time to share thoughts on a somewhat frequent basis. I am blessed to be the wife of a wonderful, Christian man and the mother of five wonderful children. I get to stay home full-time with these sweet ones and homeschool as well. God is the most important part of my life and where I draw my greatest strength and purpose from. My heart's desire is to honour Him in all I do, wherever I am!
I find great joy in sharing life with other moms and my hope is that somewhere in the myriad of thoughts I will be able to encourage another mom who may stumble across this site!

1 comment:

  1. You did just that!! I love hearing/reading about your Mom experiences. Sometimes it's just the very little things that help to make you feel you're not alone. So here's to kids under our feet, and never being able to use the bathroom alone. ;) Love, Taryn
