Sunday, January 29, 2012


     If our homes are "music pits" and our families are the "orchestras", then we, as parents, are called to be the "conductors".  What is it that we are "conducting"?  The "music" that God has called our family to play together.

     And there's great news -- each family is designed to play a unique "score"!  No family should try to imitate the "music" of another, but instead learn and savour the "music" that flows from their own "orchestra".

     Once we grasp the value of our "music" being individual to our family, then we need to see how important our roles are, as "conductors".  Just as an orchestra would never play from completely different scores at the same time, we've learned that neither should our families.

     Our "score" is made up of the values that God has called us, as the "conductors", to build our homes upon.  We must guard this "score"!

     We live in a time in history where our values -- the "musical scores" -- are being tossed out windows and discarded on street corners; where a "score" is viewed as something negotiable at best, or useless at worst.  

     As "conductors", we can tend to feel unpopular and badly for the decisions we have to make and things we have to say no to, because we forget what a beautiful treasure our "musical score" is meant to be.  We've been entrusted with a legacy that is meant to bless our children, those around us and the generations to come, but we this will only transpire IF we take our roles seriously.

     Examine what your "score" should look like, in light of God's Word and the "musicians" He has placed in your home.  What "areas of music" have you been letting slide that need to be brought back into alignment with God's plan for our "orchestras"?  What questions are your children asking that need to be answered in a bold no instead of a soft, uncertain I guess so?

     God made us, as parents, to "conduct" with all the passion, heart and conviction that He has placed within us, and what we find in His Word.  Don't ever shy away from the loveliness that God wants to flow from your home just because you are afraid to be the "conductors" that He has called you to be!

"My heart, O God, is
steadfast; I will sing and 
make music with all my soul."
Psalm 108:1


Saturday, January 21, 2012


     Each snowflake that falls to the ground is unique in its design -- that boggles my mind every winter!  Yet we don't look at individual snowflakes and think God made a mistake; we celebrate His creativity.  So, why are we so quick to look at others around us and make ourselves feel inadequate?

     I've learned I don't need anyone to tell me what I'm not good at!  It glares at me, sometimes all day long.  As moms, we're so good at reminding ourselves of what we DON'T do well, aren't we?

     Why is that?  How can we be exactly who God has created us to be and yet be so dissatisfied with our strengths and abilities we possess?

     Often skills that come easily don't seem to hold any true value in our minds.  And yet, the irony lies in the fact that it can be those same skills in us that will stare someone else in the face and make them feel so incapable.

     Are you tracking with me?

     YOU are talented.

     YOU are gifted.

     YOU are skilled.

     When you focus your discouraged eyes on the person who does well with that which you can't, you lose appreciation for what God's placed within you.

     DON'T beat yourself up about what you can't do!.  Stop!  Realize that what you do well is what God has gifted you to do.  What they do well is what God has gifted them to do.

     In I Corinthians, Paul shares the comparison of the physical body with gifts and abilities.  He asks how foolish it would be if all of us wanted to the eye, because then we wouldn't hear.  Or in the case of the ear, then we couldn't smell.  Likewise, we must recognize our value as we have been created.

     Some are created to make music, while some are created to make cookies; some are created to bring order, while some are created to bring excitement.

     None of us are irreplaceable -- not one!  Only the lies that pound on the back door of our hearts will whisper that message.  God has fashioned each of us with a specific plan and purpose; find out what that is for you and embrace it, celebrate it...but whatever you do, DON'T COMPARE IT!      

"God has placed the parts
in the body, EVERY one of them,
just as He wanted them to be.
If they were all one part,
where would the body be?"
I Corinthians 12:18&19

Monday, January 16, 2012


     So many lies are being served up to us daily on a silver platter -- they look tantalizing, they sound convincing and seem so real!

  We lift the lid and indulge; then wonder later why we're battling unwelcome thoughts in our hearts and minds.

     Certain lies appear innocent enough in the moment, but once they slip in the back door, it's hard to control where they roam.

     If we were sitting on my couch, sipping tea this afternoon, and I asked you what you felt was one of the most deadly lies, what would you say?

     I know what I would say...I would look you in the eyes and tell you, "One of the most deadly lies is the lie that your situation at hand doesn't have any hope!"

     In our heads, it's so easy to say, Sure, I know there's hope.  But it's not just our heads that the enemy is targeting and sometimes it's harder to convince our hearts!

     Maybe the lies seems silly, like; "There's no hope...this baby is NEVER going to sleep through the night."  I say silly only because we all know in our heads that eventually this baby won't be a baby and of course, they will sleep through the night, FEELS hopeless in the moment, doesn't it?

     What about a lie, like; "There's no hope...this toddler is NEVER going to master potty training."  Again, we know in our heads that eventually this toddler will be able to use the toilet because it's part of growing up, can FEEL utterly impossible in that stage, can't it?

     Then there's the more serious lies, like; "There's no husband's the way he is and it will never change.  Marriage is NEVER going to get better."  Depending on the challenges you face, that can feel like a very real possibility, and we can be completely unsure of how things could change, FEELS like nothing will ever improve, doesn't it?

     If you go back and scan the three examples above what two words do you see each time?
          1) NEVER
          2) FEELS

     Do you know why it's so important to recognize those two words?  Because they are the key that unlocks the door from our head to our heart for the deadly lie of hopelessness.  

     When we hear ourselves thinking "never" and evaluating our momentary circumstances based on how we "feel" that should be like a flashing, red warning light!  "Emergency, emergency; we are determining our future based on what we see and feel, not on what God says!!!"

     We can't see what's around the corner!  We don't know what God's about to do!  We have no idea how things can turn out IF we give them over to God!

     He's the One who gets to write the endings and His Word promises us that...
  •  In ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28)
  • God will be with us in trouble and deliver us (Psalm 91:15)
  • God's plans are to prosper us and give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)
     Reflect on the areas that are causing you stress or concern -- babies, money, teenagers -- whatever it is, God is MORE than able to write the ending, but we have a part to play.  We have to give these areas over to the Lord and ask Him to be in charge.  Once we commit our ways to Him, He is freed up to work in very real, intimate ways in our lives, but He won't push His way in, He's waiting to be asked, trusted and invited.

     Don't buy the deadly lie that there is NO HOPE!  There's always hope when God is invited into the middle of our worlds!  Go to the Bible, dig for the truth that applies to your personal situation of hopeless feelings and smother it in God's truth.  Hold it tight and don't let go -- you have no idea what's just around the corner!

"You will KNOW the TRUTH
and the TRUTH WILL set you free!"
John 8:32

Sunday, January 8, 2012


     I like to do things well.  Really well.  But I've realized something over these years of parenting that has stretched me as a mom --

     The best leading I do isn't from my perfection; it's from my mistakes.

     God knew this long before I began stumbling down this winding road of parenting.  It's one of the many reasons He told us that when we're weak, He wanted to be strong for us.  But let's be honest, we'd rather lead than lean, wouldn't we?

     We're an independent type of people, but if we are going to truly "succeed" at motherhood, and by definition of succeed I mean become all God wants us to be as moms, then we can't stay stuck on reaching perfection.  We need to discover the contentment of making mistakes despite trying our best and find the joy of leaning on our Father.

     God longs to give us all we need to lead these little, and not so little, ones who require direction.  But we have to accept that we can confidently lead from the mistakes we've already made, far better than the perfection we may aimlessly chase after.

     The irony of our feeble attempts is that the less we TRY and the more we LEAN, the more laughter bubbles up in our homes and the bigger the smiles are that fill the faces of our children.

     Only God is perfect and because of Jesus, we're on a journey that leads to better and better things.  Hebrews 10:14 reminds us of this, "By one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy."  Do you hear the verb tenses jumping up and down in that verse?  Has made -- means already accomplished and Being made -- means we are a work in progress.  God doesn't expect more of us than we are able to do but He is ready to use us exactly where we are at!

     So next time you mess up and you find yourself wishing for more perfect outcomes, remember God uses us, mistakes and all, to lead these children He's entrusted in our care.

"My grace is sufficient for you,
for My power is made perfect
in weakness."
II Corinthians 12:9