Saturday, February 4, 2012


     We clean toilets.  We scrub juice stains.  We kiss little cuts.  And every once in a while we wonder, Am I really doing anything of importance?  Is there any lasting value in my life?

     In one of those recent moments I sensed God's whisper in my heart -- "What if small is the new big?"

     What if all these little things that we do in the daily grind we call motherhood really are HUGE? 

     We carry out millions of seemingly trivial tasks every day and yet rarely pause to reflect on how we are affecting the future.  Each step, each act of love is investing in a whole new generation.

     God sees each effort...each occasion that we feel is insignificant.  Yet, He sees with different eyes.  In Luke 16, Jesus tells us that whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.

     I want to be trusted with much.  So do you.  

     That makes this the season to be trusted with little.

     Faithfulness is the foundation of life.  We are changing the world, when we change diapers with love.  We are impacting the world, when we impact a four year old heart.  We are positively influencing the world, when we positively influence our homes and families.

     Don't let discouraging thoughts darken your small tasks -- think of them as the new big!  You are making a difference in the world, one faithful moment at a time.

"Take a good hard look at Jesus.
He's the centerpiece of everything
we believe, FAITHFUL in everything
God gave Him to do."
Hebrews 3:1&2




  1. Excellent, Kristen. Thank you. It is too easy to get caught up in what we think we should be doing instead of being faithful with what is before us to do. A great reminder :-) Keep up the wonderful posts. Love you.

  2. Love reading your heart here. I want to be you when I grow up. Love.
