Saturday, June 18, 2011

Monkey See...

     We all know how the expression goes . . . Monkey See, Monkey Do -- but as parents, do we see how our "monkeys" are learning from their surroundings?

     I ponder how easy it is for our children, young or old, to pick up a new bad habit, and yet how hard it is for our children to stop.

     One of our roles as parent, is to determine what is healthy, safe and spiritually beneficial for our children to be exposed to -- AND for the most part, we try really hard and do a good job.  But sometimes we forget the subtle ways that our "monkeys" see behaviour that we don't want them to duplicate until after they have begun to "do".

     I think of how easy it is to let our children just watch a movie, or just play a computer game, or just go outside with friends . . . and all of those activities, on their own, would not fall into the category of wrong or bad UNLESS we are not evaluating the events specifically.  I know, I can hear your voice right now, "But Kristen, it is so hard to evaluate EVERY movie, game and friend."

     I KNOW -- I have been at it for 14 years now!  But as much as I tire of this role and sometimes desperately feel the crushing need for a break at the sacrifice of what they may see, play or hear; I know I can't give up. 

     Many days I wish we lived in a culture less challenging than the one we do, but I am determined to keep going.  The cost of giving up is much too high.

     Does it mean we should all become legalists and make lots of rules and make our "monkey's" lives miserable? NO, but it might mean that we carefully nurture their hearts through our relationship with them by helping them see why some movies contain mouthiness or bad attitudes that we don't want to imitate.  Or it might mean that we show them that playing certain games can cause them to be more rough with their siblings.  Or it might even mean that certain friendships need to be limited in order to guard their own minds and mouths. 

     We must persevere in training our little ones and coaching our older ones. 

     When we are tired of battling the world for our children's hearts we CAN'T throw our arms up in the air in defeat!  We need to take a deep, fresh breath and gently help them see that our values come from God's Word and His best for us, not just some ideas of our own.  Although the day might seem very far away, I believe someday we'll hear their words of appreciation, if we don't give up!

"Let's not get tired of doing
what is good.  At just the right
time we will reap a harvest of
blessing IF we don't give up."
Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

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