Wednesday, November 16, 2011


     Every day, I watch eyes twinkle and flash . . . faces smile and frown . . . feet run and stomp, and I feel awestruck and sometimes overwhelmed!  I'm amazed that God trusts me to raise these children.  Do you ever feel the same way?  Like your head is spinning with the reality of the task in front of you?

     You and I, as moms, know something that most of our children will not discover for years  -- we know that from the very core of our being we want the best for our children.  But the irony is we don't always know what "BEST" is supposed to look like, do we?

     For all the time we spend pouring over parenting books, scanning through relevant websites and devouring the latest magazines on child-rearing; sometimes we feel further behind than ahead.  That's nothing new . . . how do you think Dr. Spock sold 50 million copies of his child training book?  We're not the first generation of parents to wonder what's best, but we're definitely the generation most inundated with information!

     Information is at our fingertips and sources drip with opinions and theories, but how do we know if it's the "right" advice?

     If we genuinely desire the best for our kids, we'd better be sure we have a filter in place that all this information can flow through -- do you know what that filter should look like?  It's a book -- no, it's THE BOOK!  It comes in all different shapes, sizes and colours -- and although New York Times bestseller's lists don't acknowledge it anymore, it's been on the #1 best seller's list for years.  It's the Bible, God's words to us, and it offers every bit of the direction we so desperately need for discerning what is really BEST.

     A quote, that dates back 2,000 years ago, says it well . . .
"We ourselves are rather an example to many than imitators of others."  Pericles, 5 BC

     The "best" that we seek to discover for our children begins here -- not seeking to imitate others, but to boldly put all the knowledge we discover through the perfect filter of God's Word and choose to be examples, rather than imitators.

"Keep company with God,
get in on the BEST."
Psalm 37:4

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